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Dear Jenny

Do you know what I find a ‘bit disappointing’?

I find it a ‘bit disappointing’ you have time to worry about the manners of one individual when your husband is gleeful about the inhumane incarceration without cause of refugees, some of whom came to us as children and are still behind bars as adults.

I find it a ‘bit disappointing’ you are talking about being polite when your husband forcibly shook the hands of traumatised bushfire survivors as part of a publicity push which I think we can both agree is both impolite and shows a lack of empathy.

I find it a ‘bit disappointing’ that your husband lacks the emotional intelligence to meet with survivors of sexual violence but has the political cunning to support those within his own ranks who are potentially guilty of perpetuating it.

I find it a ‘bit disappointing’ that your husband voted against marriage equality and tried to push through damaging and discriminatory legislation adversely impacting queer Australians and reigniting the wounds of many who were abused by protected religious institutions.

I find it a ‘bit disappointing’ that your husband and his cohort hasn’t got time to ‘hold a hose’, implement the findings of the Royal Commission into aged care, order rapid antigen tests, enshrine an indigenous voice into the constitution, do something (anything FFS) about climate change, and oh so, so, so much more.

I find it a ‘bit disappointing’, but I also find it overwhelmingly offensive that a man like Scott Morrison ever became Prime Minister.  I find myself incoherent with rage over the shameless hypocrisy that he flaunts on a daily basis. I am embarrassed that a man with so little humanity represents this country on a global stage.

What I didn’t find a ‘bit disappointing’ was Grace Tame. In fact, I applaud her.  She is the kind of woman I want my daughters to aspire to be. I want them to be strong. I want them to have the courage to speak even when their voices’ shake. I want them to know their worth. I want them to shine like Grace Tame. Brightly, fiercely.

And lastly, I find it a ‘bit disappointing’ that as a woman supposedly trying to raise fierce daughters, you are worried about them being fierce in a polite and mannerly way.

Fuck that.

My hope for your daughters is that they are fierce.  And furious. And loud with it.  I hope that they are the change we want to see in the world.  I hope they only respect those that earn their respect. Not a position. Not a title.

I hope that in the future, they are everything Grace Tame is today.

Yours sincerely

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