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i am a Copywriter, a wordsmith, a storyteller.

(that’s a person who writes WORDS real good)

I am an experienced creative who can help you tell your stories in a strategic, dynamic and interesting way. My experience comes from working with everybody from local not-for-profit organisations to some of the biggest corporates on the planet.  

I am the kind of person who speaks to strangers in elevators and makes friends at bus stops – which aren’t professional qualifications but make life a bit more interesting.

With over 25 years working in writing, communications, marketing, and social media, and combined with side hustles as a blogger, podcaster, public speaker and social activist, I bring a unique perspective to every project.

What kind of things can I write for you?

While I don’t have a favourite child – I do have favourite words. Discombobulate. Cumquat. Kintsugi. I like the way they sound when you say them out loud.  And it is fair to say that if you have an unholy attachment to the words moist, pivot or slacks we are probably not going to be a good fit.

That said, I believe in the power of storytelling to bridge divides, foster empathy, and build a more just and equitable world. I am an advocate for equity, representation, and belonging at all times.  To this end, all my writing is about creating connection and I bring that energy to my writing whether I am writing newsletters for a bank, or blogs for an NFP.  

Agility is a core skill for a copywriter such as myself.  Which is why for one project I can immerse myself in the world of sustainable funeral options and then move seamlessly across to writing copy for a new bar.  If you want it interesting, educational, informative or straight up hilarious, my writing will reflect your brand perfectly.  



Newsletters are a powerful connection medium… when they are engaging, interesting and eagerly anticipated.


Share your perspective and opinions, contribute to industry conversations and build credibility. What’s not to love about an article?



Great blogs educate, inform and entertain. They humanise expertise and experiences like no other short form content.

Website copy

Great website copy should be jargon free and customer-focused, blending customer needs and driving desired actions.  

Marketing Communications

Strategic, impactful, and irresistibly persuasive messaging is key to successful marketing communications.  

Love Letters

Nobody has ever asked me to write love letters on their behalf yet but I’m absolutely up for it.

your content should always feel personal,

because it is going to be read by a person.

real Testimonials by people that liked working with me


Alison is a highly articulate communicator. She has a flair for putting words next to each other to communicate an idea and a fantastic ability to bring new ideas to the table.

James, Marketing and Success Director

She is a skilful writer and is brilliant at conveying complex social issues in a relatable and compassionate way. I admire her tenacity, her integrity and her ability to affect change and engagement on issues that matter.

Carolyn, Director

In an increasingly complex marketing world, where conversations about a brand can start anywhere and involve influencers of all types, the expertise that she brings to the table is increasingly important.

Steve – Transformation Director

Her calm, practical and professional advice has been a guiding light for me on more than one occasion - helping us navigate our way through some fairly challenging times. Beyond her obvious skills in the digital media space, she is also a person you can easily trust and connect with on a personal level. Her sense of humour is matched only by her passion, and I am grateful for the wisdom she has imparted.

Renee, Head of Marketing and Fundraising

Alison has a truly unique combination of absolute confidence, expertise, knowledge and humour that keeps her audience engaged right from the first few moments.

Alecia, CEO

Alison Hallworth is the ultimate go-to on all things communication.

Tamara OAM, NFP Founder and Director

Sometimes I write just for me

A toast to friendship

A toast to friendship

When my little sister started kindergarten, my mum and a group of other ‘mums*’ got together for a coffee.   Or a cup of tea. Whatever old people** did back in the mid 80s for fun.  Over weeks, months and then years, they continued to meet for...

What can I do?

What can I do?

An argument breaks out in the neighbourhood.  Ugly words are screamed into the air.  The street. A child screams, sobbing for their parents to “Stop.  Mummy and Daddy, please STOP.”  It stops. For now. 18 people stabbed in a shopping centre.  Social media explodes...

1620 days later

1620 days later

Chrissy.  Sharon.  Greg. Carly. Marina. Angie. Melissa. Priya. Me. Julie RIP. Different folks. Different strokes. Mostly clots. A bleed or two. Takayasu’s Arteritis. Pregnancy. Blood pressure. Atrial Fibrillation.  No fucking idea. Sorry ‘cryptogenic’. For some:...

Let’s talk (or text… or email)